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Blackstone Vineyard


Recently purchased by new owners, the Blackstone Vineyard has been a staple of the Queensland wine region for a number of years, having grown and produced high quality grapes for their on-site winery. The new partners have expressed a growing interest in reaching a wider market through a line of updated labeling rolled across all products, as well as refreshed branding.


Branding  /  Packaging  /  Label Design

Company Location

Stanthorpe, QLD Australia

Date of completion

August 2018

Project Description

The Blackstone partners presented our team with their ongoing rebrand pathway, requesting our support in rebranding the winery and developing new, cost effective packaging solutions. One limited packaging run would be created for the relaunch, with the aim to completely replace the existing range from the 2018 vintage and on.

While the focus of this project would be placed on the development of this packaging, our team would also create simple stationary for the partners to network during the event.

Our Solution

Our team felt that a contemporary “re-invention” of Victorian typography could be an effective solution for Blackstone. Designed to be used on glass the clear labeling was easy to produce and shone when placed onto a shelf. A simpler label was produced to act as a brand for stationary and so on.

“We were extremely impressed with the professionalism of Duchamp Design, they took all of our suggestions and ideas on board and created a packaging run that we were excited to stand behind! When it comes to branding I wouldn’t look anywhere but these guys.”

Rufus Stephens


The partners were very happy with the clever packaging solution devised as well as the label designs themselves. The solution was far below budget expectations and allowed for greater investment in advertising, something that Blackstone greatly benefited from.

Layout Design | Printing | Branding

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