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Hailing from a long line of artists and creatives, the McNeil brothers desired to showcase the more bizarre expressions created by various artistic talent across the nation. Nonsenseical was designed to be an outlet for their own expression as well as being a mouthpiece for other artists. As interest grew in the concept, Nonsensical wanted to expand into the print media with a monthly magazine to become a home for their content.


Layout Design  /  Publication  /  Branding

Company Location

Sydney, NSW Australia

Date of completion

February 2020

Project Description

Intending to launch in early 2020, Nonsenseical’s aim was to create a publication where lesser-known artists and the more unusual creatives could showcase their highlight pieces in both a promotional way as well as giving the artist a voice to share their experiences and diverse backgrounds.

Nonsenseical wanted to convey the art of “nonsense” or brutalism in a way that made sense and would build value to the artist in the public eye.

Our Solution

As our concept instructions were quite clear, we worked to develop a grid template that would functionally work as a magazine and showcase the experimental art in a less traditional, yet pleasing way. From there it was a case of developing numerous possible layouts that could be used depending on the content.

“We knew from the start that the market we were entering was a tough one to make a name in and already filled with competition. That being said I feel that the template and logo work done by Duchamp Design has been excellent, we are so excited to launch and move ahead with more issues of the magazine. Much appreciated once again!”

Timothy McNeil


Nonsenseical loved the direction we had taken the publication template. The mix between structured grid and brutalism was the look they were seeking. Nonsenseical appreciated the care taken to incorporate all concepts and the work done to combine them in an effective way.


Kimberley Jonson Hair


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